We live in northern Minnesota. Winters are hard. I get it. I've lived here for almost 12 years now and I've adapted. But last week was a polar vortex for the record books and it was rough. It was -40 degrees here: that was the air temperature, folks. We were off school for three days (that never happens in Minnesota). We went nowhere because the weather people told us we could get frostbite in three minutes and my 3-year-old won't wear mittens. The week before that was subzero, with highs reaching a balmy zero degrees. Normal enough for business as usual for Minnesota. As was this morning when I had to drive across town in a blizzard. This winter has been RELENTLESS. I wish it would release its icy fingers on our state that seems to be squeezing the life out of me. But last month I went to a speaker who came to our church. Kai Mark Nilsen is the author of Renew Your Life: Discovering the Wellspring of God's Energy (and our pastor's brother). We're read...